
location: Denver, CO

size: 330,000 SF

scope: Environmental Graphics, Art moments, Feature Signage, ADA, Wayfinding

project description

The key tenant of any project is the building theme. Our unique challenge with every project is bringing this theme to life. Our goal is to develop wayfinding and signage elements, as well as tailor-made art moments and sculptural feature signage indicative of the theme assigned to each building and level. Designing ADA and wayfinding for such massive buildings, our initiative is to transcend typical wayfinding and ADA signage and design aesthetically stimulating placarding while maintaining code regulations. For each project we undergo meticulous research and design in order to deliver off-the-wall destination signage and spectacular art moments.

Project insights

Over 450,000 SF in Boulder, CO across multiple campuses including multiple levels of underground parking

Bird’s project pride

To create a bona fide art moment within the galactic corridor of the Tech-themed level, we called upon an iconic figure in the form of a nine-foot-tall C-3PO composed of carved and painted foam.

Julia's project pride

At 2600 Pearl Street, the space was getting a refresh with a road trip theme that coincided with my family taking a 1000 mile Colorado Roadtrip. I collected some stickers and took some photos on the trip that we incorporated into the final delivered art pieces. It felt good to add that level of authenticity and personality to work in what is technically a corporate environment.