
location: San Francisco, CA

size: Approximately 375,000 SF on 6 1/2 floors

scope: Environmental Graphics + Brand Integration + Signage

project description

The project’s goal was to create a cohesive experience for visitors and employees alike, enhancing the buildings identity and functionality. This particular theme will highlight perspectives throughout the city of San Francisco that are made with different forms of transportation: trains, ferries, freeways, streetcars, bikes and walking. Through innovative design and strategic placement, the graphics told stories in and around San Francisco that contributed to a memorable and engaging experience.

Project Insights

Our goal was to encourage users to find delight at every art moment throughout the space and make their own meaningful connections to the area through these lenses. Our strategy was to employ pops of color and natural materials designed to align with those of the interior finishes selected for each floor. Each wall tells a story and takes our users through a journey around San Francisco neighborhoods.